What is an LMS?
Discover why and how companies use a Learning Management System
to train their teams
More and more companies across the world are choosing to deliver their training online. In fact, the lms training market is growing so fast that it has seen a 900% growth since the beginning of the century. To deliver eLearning courses, companies need a Learning Management System (LMS).
So, what is a Learning Management System? An LMS is software that companies use to develop, deliver, and track training for their employees, clients, and partners. As complexity differs for each client, we have 3 types of LMS systems that I believe are suited for every need.
A simple web LMS that can support a few courses on a server and An API LMS on SharePoint ( thus single sign-on ) - the cost for both is based on professional services and server cost. Lastly, we have an enterprise LMS based on user-license, that cater to most enterprises.
When companies use an LMS to deliver training online, learners from anywhere in the world can connect with instructors, whether in real time or through recorded sessions. At the same time, trainees have access to online training material (courses, guides, quizzes, videos, etc.) any time they want.
(1) LMS Web Server.
(2) API LMS Sharepoint.
LMS Web Server
- Installed on any cloud/server
- Unlimited number of users
- works with SCORM
- Have a separate quiz section
- whitelist domain for additional security
- admin login to access user status and download reports
- Single Sign-on via O365
- Unlimited number of users
- Upload SCORM courses
- To group several courses as one program
- Download CSV file for all users
- Able to log user, course, pass/fail, start time, and end time
(3) LMS for maximum flexibility
Our learning platform is conceptualised by a team of instructional designers for effective digital learning delivery, tracking and measurement.
Its design embraces sound pedagogy; such as reinforcement based learning, useful learning effectiveness measurements, latest technologies such as xAPI/CMI5 and robust rule-based course sequencing.
These features assist not only in administering learning effectively, but also in empowering organisation’s with key insights on their overall training situation. This will assist stakeholders in creating an overall feedback loop, creating an environment where learning becomes an adaptive and ever evolving mechanism.
User-friendly and professional graphic interface
Standard LMS reporting of progress and completion
Hierarchical Reporting
Role specific learning paths and assignments
Courseware survey and feedback
Learning outcome measurement and evaluation
Advance reporting and data collection
And more!